The World of Anakainosis


Anakainosis spans beyond modern knowledge. From the Shining Mountain in the North, to the Gleaming Realm in the East, to the Golden hills to the West, the world we know is the home to an untold number of peoples, creatures, dungeons, wonders, and more. The West Marchers set out from the Sun Peaks, found in the middle of the Eastern Continent between the Green Wood and the Great Lake Muspi' Ekla.

Anakainosis: The World We Know

The World We Know

The West Marchers are found in the Kingdom of Xerdani: The Gleaming Realm. Nestled beneath the shadow of the Sun Peak Mountains, this Kingdom is looking to expand its reach and influence. The frontier town of Eventide is the home to the West Marchers, but many locales exist to the West of Xerdani's Edge. These locales are of great interest to the Xerdani's Ruler: Glimmer King, other Kingdoms, and dangerous foes.

The Town of Eventide


The frontier town of Eventide is the home to the West Marchers: volunteers who explore past Xerdani's Edge in hopes of discovering resources, treasure, and adventure. In addition to being the West Marchers' base of operation, Eventide is used as a trading post between Xerdani and neighboring Kingdoms, a religious center for certain people, and home to a number of peasants and nobles alike.